Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Grapes - Good For Health

Grapes - Good For Health
By []Ethan Hill

Grapes have all the virtues necessary to form and restore an individual health. It has calories for body energy and contains a perfect balance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and water, which alone might suffice make you to live for ten days without eating anything else.

While grapes contain sugar almost 88% carbohydrate per 100g, its good sugar: fructose and mannitol is present in ripe grapes. For this reason, it can be eaten by diabetics and is recommended in case of hypoglycemia. That is what will give you energy to spare, without increasing the level of sugar in your blood.

Grapes also improve your bowel movement because of the mannitol and fibers: indissoluble in the skin of grapes and in soluble gum, pectin, polysaccharides of grapes. These soluble fibers also guard against cardiovascular disease as they regulate cholesterol and blood pressure.

Grapes are also composed of enzymes that strengthen your immune system, destroying germs and bacteria that lodge in your intestines and can easily absorb nutrients from your diet.

The fruit is also very rich in water almost 80% and are a very good complement to the two liters of liquids that you take a day to renew the water in your cells, your muscles and to moisturize your skin to eliminate toxins. Without the daily fluid intake, you may be more tired, less alert, and more prone to muscle aches.

But the water in the grapes is superior to mineral water because it allows your body to absorb trace elements present in grapes such as potassium and silicon more easily. Potassium can reduce blood pressure, combat fatigue, cramps and heaviness in legs. As for silicon, it helps relieve arthritis, rheumatism, delaying the aging of the skin, making the arteries more flexible and thus helping to prevent heart attacks.

It also contain magnesium in a liquid form so it can be easily assimilated and magnesium is a good anti-stress and anti-fatigue element.

Finally, grapes contain three important vitamins: B indispensable to the renewal of your cells and acts as an anti-depressant (especially B6), and vitamin C that restores tone and is an antioxidant, which therefore slows the aging of cells, reduces cardiovascular disease and has a preventive effect against cancer, and finally vitamin E which is an excellent antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-fatigue agent.

So, grapes are a wonderful fruit that concentrate all the benefits needed to balance the revitalization, protection and maintenance of youth and great body.

Some advise eating nothing but grapes at all meals 3 kg per day for 10 days. Because of its composition, it would prepare your body to face the winter and early fall and you would lose weight because of its diuretic effect. []Transport Wheel Chairs []

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