Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5 Beauty Tips For Dry Skin - How to Fight Dry Facial Skin

Dry skin can be an annoyance, especially during the winter months when it can go all itchy and flaky on you. In this article we'll discuss some of the best beauty tips for dry skin, with special focus on the face.

1. Avoid scorching hot baths or showers

Extremely hot water can actually lead to your skin losing moisture as the lipid barriers in the skin are broken down. Instead of using hot water, use lukewarm water. For the face, baths obviously aren't that big a problem. If you simply can't go without that hot shower in winter though, try to limit it to a few minutes instead of half an hour.

Once you're done, apply your moisturizing cream as quickly as possible.

2. Avoid using drying soaps

When washing your face, do not use regular soap. Use a gentle, moisturizing soap or face wash that will not strip the natural oils from your skin.

The following beauty tips for dry skin pertain to topical skin care.

3. Use both a day and night cream

While the use of a day cream goes without saying, the importance of a night cream is often overlooked. You're not out in the sun, you're just lying in bed. No problem, right?

Wrong. Using a night cream rich in natural moisturizing oils and emollients will help your skin to stay hydrated throughout the night. Avocado oil and shea butter are excellent natural moisturizers that closely resemble your skin's natural oils. These oils all make for a perfect moisturizer for dry skin.

Since your body also repairs itself while you sleep, the extra nutrients a quality night cream provides can aid your skin during this natural repair process.

4. Increase the levels of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found naturally in our bodies. For the skin, HA plays a major role in the hydration of the skin. It can absorb many times its own weight in water, not only hydrating your skin, but also increasing its volume. This helps to give a smoother appearance to the skin.

You can raise the levels of HA in your skin naturally by using skin care that contains an ingredient like Phytessence Wakame. This inhibits the enzyme hyaluronidase, which breaks down HA in the skin. In doing so, more HA becomes naturally available in your skin.

5. Use a hydrating mask

A specially formulated hydrating mask will deeply hydrate and repair your skin. Typically you'll only need to use this type of mask once every two weeks.

Be sure to apply these beauty tips for dry skin in your day to day skin care regime, and you should notice a clear improvement in your skin condition.

Five Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Busy Families

You know the importance of serving your family a healthy breakfast, but there's often not a lot of time in the mornings. Here are a few simple and healthy breakfast recipes that you can have on the table in just minutes and that will give your family the nutrition they need.

Cereal and soy milk
Soy milk is full of healthy protein. Choose a cereal that has high fiber content and is free of high fructose corn syrup. Sprinkling some organic sugar over some plain cereal is often preferable to eating pre-sweetened cereal. Read labels on the cereal carefully and then stock up on your family's favorites.

Whole wheat toast and natural peanut butter
Whole-wheat toast is full of fiber and good carbohydrates to get you through your morning. Children love the idea of eating peanut butter for breakfast, which makes this meal a winning treat in most households. Look for natural peanut butter that is made without hydrogenated vegetable oil. If you have to stir up the peanut butter before you can use it, it's a safe bet. Add a piece of fruit, such as a banana or apple, and you have a well-rounded and easy breakfast.

Yogurt and fruit
A tub of vanilla yogurt and some fresh fruit are all you need for this healthy and fun breakfast. You can buy frozen berries, thaw them in the microwave and then drizzle them over the yogurt. You can also pair yogurt with peaches, melon or bananas for a sweet breakfast treat. Add a handful of sesame seeds or walnuts into the mix for a fun and delicious crunch.

Breakfast smoothie
If you want to make the previous idea even easier, throw the yogurt and fruit into a blender with some juice and a few ice cubes. You can make large batches of smoothies to feed your whole family. You can even sneak in some spinach or celery in the mix to add to the nutrition of the drink. Experiment with different flavor combinations so you can always have something new.

Home baked goods
Donuts and muffins are definitely easy breakfast foods to get on the run, but they aren't very healthy. Look online for healthy and hearty muffin recipes that feature whole wheat flour and applesauce to replace some of the fat and sugar in traditional recipes. Spend some time on Sunday afternoon baking up the next week's breakfast. Children will love to get in on the baking process and you can make creating your breakfast for the week a whole family event.

These breakfast ideas don't take long to make, and your family will love starting their day with a healthy, hearty family breakfast.

Dance Enimiteva

Dance Enimiteva 08661

Natural Skin Whitening For a Clear Complexion

Skin whitening helps to remove blemishes from your skin and produce a lighter, brighter, blemish free complexion. There are many products on the market that promise to produce such a complexion but, that ultimately can be dangerous to your health because of the unhealthy synthetic ingredients that they contain.

Unhealthy synthetic ingredients in skin creams, lotions, and gels include hydroquinone and mercury. Hydroquinone, though very effective is banned in some countries and has been linked to liver cancer and can ruin the skin. Mercury has been found to cause mental and physical problems such as depression and irritation, and can also ruin the skin. It is best to avoid any products that are not derived from a natural source when trying to attain a blemish free complexion.

Natural skin whiteners include ingredients that will not damage your skin or your health. They include ingredients such as arbutin, fruit and nut extracts, kojic acid, licorice extract, and lactic acid. These ingredients all lighten and whiten the skin effectively but, without the use of any synthetic chemicals that are harmful to you.

Making the choice of obtaining and maintaining a better complexion is a great choice but, make sure to exercise caution when choosing products to help you achieve this. When choosing products to lighten, brighten, and remove discoloration from the skin make sure to choose an all natural product that will keep you safe and healthy.

For all natural products to whiten, brighten, and make the skin blemish free choose Tonique Professional Skin Care Products. Go to for all natural skin whitening products.

To remove skin discolorations such as acne scars, freckles, sun spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, liver spots, pregnancy masks, etc. choose [] for the best in all natural skin whitening formulations. Tonique's intense line of intense all natural skin whitening formulations work quickly and effectively on the face and body to leave the skin smooth, soft, and blemish free.

Shampooing and Conditioning

So the term beauty is skin deep is pretty true.. although an ambiguous statement at best.
I am not a professional nor do I claim to be.
I am just sharing my favorite tips.
So now that that's settled let's start!

Blow drying VS Air Drying

Air drying is recommended if you have curly or wavy hair because hair of this type can become frizzy and unmanageable quickly.

I myself have wavy hair and I rarely use a blow dyer because of all the damage it can cause.
It can make hair dry and brittle if not done correctly.

- You should wait until hair is about 75% dry before you blow dry
- Always hold the blow dryer about half an arms length away from your hair (too close burns hair)
- Blow dry in the direction that your hair grows to keep frizzies away
- Always use a heat protectant before you blow dry to create a barrier for your hair
- Use the lowest heat setting on your blow dryer to minimize split ends and damage
- Now, washing your hair is a separate story. You should do your homework and read reviews before you purchase a shampoo. Here are some tips for shampooing and conditioning for optimum shine.

Shampoo and Conditioner

Pick a shampoo and conditioner that is right for your hair. If your hair is wavy and you want to bring out the waves then purchase a wave enhancing shampoo and conditioner set. If you want straight hair then buy the straight set.

Something a lot of people do not know is that you can purchase a relatively cheap shampoo and follow with a really good conitioner. The reason for this is that the cheap shampoo dries the hair out and then the expensive conditioner repairs and corrects the shaft bringing out softness and shine.

Try to use a set that has natural ingredients such as Biolage. In my experience Biolage is the leader for softness and shine. It also has a great smell.

Use more shampoo on the top of your head than on the ends. The reason for this is your hair has more oil the closer it is to your scalp. When you use a lot of shampoo on the ends of your hair you can dry them out and cause spilt ends and breakage.

A quarter size amount of shampoo should be sufficient for most hair unless your hair is past the middle of your back.

Apply conditioner mainly to the ends of your hair. Think of putting your hair in a low pony-tail and then apply there. You can use a very small amount on top to keep frizz from coming.

Wash hair with warm water to open the hair shaft and rinse with cool water to close it and bring out your shine!

Once you have washed your hair DO NOT twist it up in a towel. I know this is something a lot of women do but it damages your hair and causes breakage and weak spots. Instead, blot the wetness out with a towel.
After you towel dry your hair spray on a leave in conditioner. This does not have to be expensive. I use Equate brand and it works just fine. This weighs the frizz down a bit and enables you to brush your hair without breakage.

I hope you guys enjoy the tips and they work for you!

Home Exercise Equipment - Should You Get One?

Exercising is Key to your health!

A healthy body is the key to good living. With increase in the awareness of a fit body, people have now started to concentrate on themselves. These days, more and more people are conscious about their looks and work hard to have those slim and fit bodies. Most of the people strive to remain in a good shape or try to achieve one. However, any of it cannot be achieved without regular exercise. Generally, outdoor exercise is recommended for an overall mental and physical development. However, with changes in lifestyles and busy schedules, most of us are not able to maintain a regular exercise regime. Some of us have turned towards the gyms and training centers where the various equipment available allow us to exercise every muscle of our body.

Do you need a home gym?

Though there are still a few who due to various reasons are unable to go to the gyms. Due to these reasons, a lot of sports brands have now developed home fitness exercise equipment. For those who want to experience jogging at home can go for the treadmills. These treadmills can be set to the speed of your choice and gives almost all the benefits of outdoor jogging minus the fresh air. When it comes to treadmills there are numerous popular brands to choose from. It offers an extensive range of fitness equipments like the benches, bikes, treadmills, the favorite ones being the abdomen fitness equipment. These are not only efficient equipment, but also have a high style quotient.

Natural Beauty - Enhance The Looks You Have

  • Visualization

You need to visualize the specific changes if you truly want to change your look. What will any improvements you make look like? See yourself with a streamlined body, healthier hair, clearer skin, majestic posture. These changes are realistic and attainable. Stay away from goals you'll never reach.
Don't compare yourself with someone you've seen on the TV or movie screen or on the cover of a magazine. Accept your uniqueness and capitalize on it.

  • Mirrors Boost Attitude

The quickest attitude adjustment is through reflection. Women who have low self esteem often avoid mirrors like the plague. However, mirrors can become a big ally.
Mirrors can tell you how you're progressing, in those little ways that may not be noticeable to the casual eye. It is the ultimate objective eye.

  • Do Everything Better

The way you use your beauty products will make all the difference in results.
For instance, try to duplicate what you see and feel your hair is shampooed at a salon. The product is always handled, never poured directly on hair.
Add a massage to your scalp when washing. While rinsing, lift your hair away from your scalp for about two minutes until it squeaks.

  • Discover The Virtues of Vanity

Confident women enjoy experimenting as a way of relieving stress and boost morale. Women who care about how they look are fascinating to watch, and teach us about taste and glamour. Vanity is a positive virtue, allowing us to fix our heads as well as our looks.

  • Look Pretty Amazing

Don't worry about looking pretty. Look pretty amazing show the world you care about yourself.Real beauty celebrates individuality. Rather than running around looking for beauty in pricey external products, discover within yourself. Make the most of what you have. You'll learn to like yourself and that will spark a light within.

  • Do One Thing For Yourself Everyday

Make yourself do it. It's the ultimate act of self-respect. Soak in the bubble bath or read an inspiring book. These little pleasures allow you to feel special. You can fake it if you, until you actually feel deserving of it. Whatever you choose, follow the action by writing down waht you did and how it made you feel. Make it your own "attitude file". Include stories, quotes from friends and photographs that have made you feel good about yourself.

  • Project Beauty

Feel good, feel pretty and that's just what the world will see. If you feel ugly, that's what the people will see. Try to look as good as you can. There are ways to live in beauty without being obsessive about it.

  • Find Supportive Friends

What people say, whether intentional or not, make us feel good or bad about ourselves. Look for people who make you feel good when you're down. This person will give you compliment. If you've done something different or if you're wearing something new, they will notice it. Keep this compliments and they will build your self esteem.

  • Listen To Your Inner Voice

Each of us has a voice inside our head that will give us advice. This is like a therapist. It will guide us in the right direction. It will calm us down, cheer us up and even help us figure out why we're overeating or not bothering to iron our clothes. The problem is that we often don't take time we need to hear this important information. Schedule some quiet time in a leisurely bath or walk, or even while putting on your makeup. Treat this intuition as an inner cheering section.

  • Take A Break

At least twice a day, set aside five minutes to recheck your make-up, hair, posture and clothing. No matter how impeccably you started out your day, a touch is both necessary and warranted. Take some deep breaths to renew and restore your appearance.

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